An animation and a guide

A minor update for Cellular City while I'm doing a few game jams.

This week has involved getting to grips with Godot's Ui system. While I like it, and definitely find it easier to work with than Unity's, there's definitely a learning curve. Adding the Guide, which dynamically changes based on which buildings are in the level, and has scroll bars if needed, was pretty simple but it doesn't look quite right yet (A bit too close to the top of the screen?). Its also not very accessible at the moment, and it could do with some proper screen reader support (as could the UI in general)

Also a little animation plays when building. At the moment this animation is the same regardless of building, but it'll be pretty easy to alter this if I need to. Its also skippable if the player keeps placing buildings. A the moment this works with an object which is moved to the buildings spot, and a blank tile to make the placing logic work while the animation plays. (Animated tiles don't work as they're always playing, and also don't start when a tile is placed)

Next will be some juice animations on placing a building in a likes spot and scoring.

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Feb 03, 2024

Get Cellular City

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